Saturday, May 26, 2012

2012-20 "to dos"

So, right after my 28th birthday I thought about doing one of these very popular "28 before 29" lists.  I started writing it, then got distracted.  So Now I have turned it into my 2012- 20 "to dos".  I've already accomplished some of them, which is great...others will be a challenge to get done.  But here it is:

  • make a website
  • go backpacking for 2+ nights
  • have a table at a craft fair
  • make a dress
  • get a tattoo
  • pay off credit card
  • paint my desk
  • move into a place with a bedroom
  • go to the dentist
  • organize pictures
  • put all of my music on an external hard drive
  • watch one movie a month
  • read more non-fiction
  • 1 DIY blog a week
  • ride my bike more
  • learn to make patterns
  • take swimming lessons
  • go on vacation
  • write 1 letter a month
  • donate a bag of unnecessary items to charity a month 
So I think the trick will be to continue doing the ones that I have already crossed off....Don't worry mom, I'm not going to get 70 tattoos.

I read a book at the beginning of the year, The Happiness Project.  It was ok.  Not great, but I took away some helpful things from it that have made my life a little easier, cleaner, and happier!

  • If it takes less than a minute to do, just do it. 
-I can never find my keys in the morning, and constantly am looking for my purse.  So I put a little goblet next to the door and a hook on the wall.  It takes less than a minute to hang up your coat, purse, and put your keys in a cup.  It takes at least 5 minutes to find all that shit in the morning when you are rushing out the door.

  • Spend 5-10 minutes every night cleaning up before bed
-Pretty helpful.  cleaning up dishes, cleaning counters...picking up scraps of fabric and rogue pins off of the carpet.  Putting clothes in the know, all those things you're supposed to do that TAKE LESS THAN 1 MINUTE, and should have been done in the first place

  • What you say about other people reflects on you
-The author went into a lot of detail about this.  Basically, when you are talking shit about someone, or saying negative things about them, the person you are talking to associates that negativity to you.  So, this is one of the HARDEST things for me.  I did get voted most likely to get into your business in high school...not a shining moment.

And then, there were the secrets to Adulthood:
  • people don't notice your mistakes as much as you do
  • it is ok to ask for help
  • most decisions don't require extensive research
  • do good, feel good
  • it's important to be nice to everyone
  • bring a sweater
  • by doing a little bit each day, you can get a lot accomplished
  • soap and water remove most stains
  • turning the computer on and off a few times often fixes a glitch
  • if you can't find something, clean up
  • you can choose what you want to do, you can't choose what you like to do
  • Happiness doesn't always make you feel happy
  • what you do everyday matters more than what you do once in a while
  • you don't have to be good at everything
  • if you're not failing, you're not trying hard enough
  • over the counter medications are very effective
  • don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good
  • what's fun for other people may not be fun for you, and vice versa
  • people actually prefer that you buy wedding gifts off of their registry
  • no deposit, no return
So there you go, I just saved you $14.99.

Well, this isn't crafty....but apparently this here little blog is turning into more of a lifestyle blog, so here is my first "personal" entry.