Sunday, May 25, 2014

Baked French Toast deliciousness

So, Mother's Day has not always been my best holiday.  I tend to work best under a deadline, and this one always sneaks up on me, and then I go "well, better luck next year."  Plus, my mom already has something planned because she has a Mum to plan for too.  This year was a little different. Mum has been in and out of the hospital and generally loving to not get out of bed.  So, we would be going to visit her at Bayview, and not planning some brunch out or BBQ, or whatever we typically do.
So, I decided we would have brunch at my house. Thomas was on board and  wanted to make BLTs, I said I'd cover the rest.  I gave Mom some options, she picked baked French toast, and it was AMAZING.  I got the recipe from Martha Stewart.  just called her up and said "hey, I need a recipe.' Here is the link for those of you that don't have her phone number:

And, as usual, I messed some stuff up which made it better! Like, in the step where it says to add 1/3 cup sugar, I just put in all the sugar I had measured out (1/3c + 3T), and Safeway didn't have a loaf of brioche, so I used brioche rolls cut in half.  I always used a metal pan, and I let the brioche soak in the batter overnight.
But, my dad ate almost half of it, so I call that #WINNING (I've been waiting for an appropriate time to bring that back).