Monday, August 12, 2013

Carne Asada...kinda

I love mexican food. This is common knowledge. For my birthday I insisted on burritos and far too much tequila. If I am feeling sad, I go get a taco. If I'm celebrating something, I'm going to cheers you with a burrito. If I'm bored I'll go to the store and get supplies for carnitas. 
So, it's Monday, and I find myself at Central Market in Shoreline. I was hungry, so I had no right to be grocery shopping. I ended up with the most ridiculous assortment of crap (bin bin rice crackers, bulk orzo, a snickers almond, and two bottles of kombucha) but also the ingredients for Carne Asada. So... here is how I made it...I'm Irish and from Ballard, so it's SUPER authentic.

What you'll need:
1 jalapeño, gut and seed that little guy
2 cloves of garlic minced
1/4 cup olive oil
A shit ton (or handful) of cilantro, chopped
About 1 tablespoon white vinegar
Salt and pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1lb steak (mine was labelled "carne Asada" but you could use flank...I think it's the same, who cares? It's beef, it's thinly sliced.)

Chop all of the shit up and whisk it together. Pour it over your meat. Let it marinate  in the fridge while you go hang out with Lindsay and eat a sandwich. Then take a nap.

After your nap, wash your face and then grill your Asada. I used my new grill pan from ikea because I live in an apartment and don't have a grill. The grill pan is Skanka brand, so it was my obvious first choice when selecting which one I needed. 
Make sure to turn in the vent for your stove and turn the burner to hi. Oil the pan so your Asada doesn't stick.
It only needs the tiniest bit of grill time. Then let it "rest" for a few minutes. I reapplied my makeup. That seemed to be the perfect amount of time.
After it is done resting, slice it up and make a taco, burrito, or whatever the hell you want.

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