Sunday, January 8, 2012

Infinity Scarf #2

Infinity Scarf #2!
I woke up this morning and immediately knew what I had to do…SEW ALL DAY LONG. I drove out to Hobby Lobby, only to discover that they love the Lord and are closed on Sunday. But…what is that across the street?? The biggest JoAnn’s I have ever seen. Perfect. I was eyeing a dress that I saw on a blog earlier this week. It was made of black and white stripped seersucker…but it was linen, not cotton (so not really seersucker). Anyway, I found that fabric at JoAnn’s, and IT WAS ON SALE! I decided that I needed to make an infinity scarf to replace the maroon one that I lost (have you seen it?). So here it is.
This is what you will need:
2 yards of fabric (or 1 yard, cut in half lengthwise and sewn together to make it 2 yards long)
Sewing machine
Matching thread
Pandora Station: Cave Singers
Steamed broccoli with salt and pepper and red pepper flakes (to keep you going when you get mad)

Step one: Lay your fabric out. Fold it in half. Iron. Cut along the ironed edge. Fold that in half lengthwise, right sides together. Sew along the long edge with a zigzag stitch.
Step two: So far so good. Turn the fabric right side out. Carefully pin the raw edges at the top together (just one layer). This is the tricky part. You are trying to make a tube. Go slowly and don’t get frustrated. Take lots of breaks to put on lipstick, drink coffee, eat broccoli, check your e-mail, and send text messages.
Step Three: Sew along the pinned edge leaving about 3 inches at the end.
As you are sewing, slowly push the scarf inside the hole that is continually getting smaller (it make sit easier to sew.)
Refresh your Pandora (they don’t like playing to an empty room!)
Step Four. Turn the scarf right side out again. Thread a needle. Fold the raw edge into the scarf and pin shut. Use a slip stitch to close the hole.
Step Five: Throw one up to the Big J.C. ‘cause hobby lobby was closed and you found this great fabric!

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